Thursday, April 24, 2014

The first of Sarah Palin's 2014 political endorsees goes down in flames.

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The first of Sarah Palin's 2014 political endorsees goes down in flames.
Yesterday Curt Clawson won the special election to be Florida District 19th's Republican nominee, beating out four challengers.

Among them one of the Grizzled Mama's chosen ones.

This from Slate:

Among the vanquished: State Sen. Lizbeth Benacquisto. She'd been endorsed by Sarah Palin, who flown into the district to raise funds for her. She'd been endorsed by Jeb Bush, who cut an ad for her. And she'd attacked Clawson for accepting an "Obamacare bailout," without anyone who edited that ad realizing that they were accusing the guy of taking a bailout in 2009 from a law passed in 2010.

It backfired. Clawson ended up winning 38 percent of the vote, exactly what pollsters had predicted. It's a sort of victory for Tea Party groups; in two weeks, in Nebraska's U.S. Senate primary, the conservative base and its campaign organs have another chance to determine the winner of an open primary.

I think it would be awesome if Palin's losing streak continued, and that every one of her endorsements ended up a flaming wreck like this one, as THAT might finally end any political gravitas that the Right Wing still thinks they perceive in her, AND dry up SarahPAC donations overnight.

However since she made so many endorsements this time around that is a lot to hope for.

Still, she IS Sarah Palin. So the chance that she rolls snake eyes every time, is not entirely out of the question.



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