Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The House Republicans have subtly endorsed Obamacare, but they don't seem to want anybody to know that. Good let's talk about it.

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The House Republicans have subtly endorsed Obamacare, but they don't seem to want anybody to know that. Good let's talk about it.
Courtesy of the Daily Beast:

It’s not all that often that the lead piece on the Drudge Report attacks Republicans, so it’s worth a little savoring when it happens, and this one is especially delectable. The link was to an AP story reporting that two weeks ago, House Republicans stealthily voted for a measure that changed an aspect of the Affordable Care Act.

What? I know. In other words, Congress amends bill it passed a few years ago. In a normal moral universe, this would scarcely qualify as news. But when we speak of the House of Representatives, we are in the modern Republican Party’s moral universe, and there, the rules are different.

You see, by agreeing to amend Obamacare, Republicans are acknowledging the law’s existence and legitimacy. The only things they’re supposed to be doing with Obamacare are burning copies of it on the Capitol steps and voting to repeal it. But here they’ve done the exact opposite. And what made it even worse was the way they did it. The change was very quietly tucked into a larger bill, the Medicare “doc fix,” which helps payments to doctors who serve Medicare patients keep pace with inflation. Only House majority leadership—the Republicans—can do that. And then, to make matters still worse, the yellow-bellied quislings passed the thing by voice vote, so no one had to be on the record.

The change, by the way, removes deductible caps from certain plans small businesses can offer their employees. This allows the employers, according to the AP, to offer cheaper plans to individuals who also have health savings accounts, which conservatives have been pushing for 15 or 20 years. Only around 30 percent of American businesses offer HSAs, and large employers are more likely to include them than small ones. Hence, the target of opportunity for HSA partisans. So the change accomplished a GOP policy goal. But funny thing: apparently not a single Republican member of the House trumpeted the change or even said a word about it when the vote took place March 27.

Not a single Republican mentioned a word about how they helped small businesses offer cheaper health care plans to their employees? Geez, you would think they'd be yelling that from the mountain tops.

Oh that's right, they are a party full of obstructionists and anti-government saboteurs. The last thing they want is for the government, and especially the Obama administration, to be successful at anything!

Welp, too damn bad. It looks like the law is here to stay, and that the Republicans in Congress are now well aware of that.

Which may end up costing them.

This from TPM:

The GOP's political inclination to dig in runs deeper than keeping conservatives energized for the November congressional elections. It's about preserving their party's brand. Even minor concessions of Obamacare's potential for success would gravely damage their credibility after relentless warnings for years that the law was fatally flawed, irreparably damaging to the health care system and ruinous to economic freedom. They don't have a good option other than to stay the course and keep highlighting Obamacare's downsides and flaws.

Hmm, well this should help those Democrats in red states during the upcoming elections. If only they are smart enough to take advantage of it that is.



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