Thursday, May 1, 2014

Just what we need, ANOTHER movie where the righteous Christian silences the arrogant Atheist.

10:49 PM By No comments

Courtesy of The Friendly Atheist:

Following on the heels of the unfortunately successful God Is Dead, there’s another movie coming out this fall pitting another godless professor up against a faithful Christian student and her father.

This one’s called A Matter of Faith and the trailer features the scare-line: “The guy’s an evolutionist!”

Here is how the Creationists over at Answers in Genesis describe the synopsis:

Rachel Whitaker, a Christian girl, heads off to college for her much-anticipated freshman year. New friends create situations that require important, quick decisions—some about her social life, some about her core beliefs! Rachel begins to embrace the ideas of the university’s immensely popular biology professor (Harry Anderson) who boldly teaches that Darwinian evolution is the only logical explanation for the origin of life, and the Bible therefore cannot be true. When Rachel’s father (Jay Pickett) senses something changing in his daughter while she is home on a weekend visit; he begins to look into the situation and what he discovers catches him completely off guard. Now very concerned about Rachel drifting away from her Christian faith and the clear teachings of the Bible, he accepts an impossible challenge and tries to do something about it!

The challenge of course is a debate pitting the father against the biology professor.

Anyone want to guess how this turns out?

This of course follows on the heels of a whole slew of Christian propaganda movies, and it is doubtful that it will be the last.

Gee you would think that since this movie so closely mimics the recent "God is Not Dead" film that Christians lacked imagination. Or perhaps their creativity was stunted because instead of being taught to think for themselves, they were told what they had to think in order to gain access to eternal bliss.



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