Friday, May 2, 2014

Senator Begich uses the PFD data base to suggest that it is unlikely that Palin will enter the Senate race. However he says she has to have some input, "her brand will require her to."

2:38 AM By No comments

Senator Begich uses the PFD data base to suggest that it is unlikely that Palin will enter the Senate race. However he says she has to have some input, "her brand will require her to."
Courtesy of Politico:

In an interview, Begich gave Palin a “30 percent chance” of getting into the Republican primary this summer, insisting that Palin must do something to stay relevant on a national scale — and running for the Senate might do the trick.

“Here’s what she does. When she starts losing national attention — which she is — she has to find her entry point again. This is the way she operates,” Begich said.

The Alaska senator then repeatedly questioned Palin’s residency — as he did in an interview last July. This time Begich pointed to the database for the Permanent Fund Dividend Division, money paid to Alaska residents out of a state mineral royalties. A search of the 2013 database includes names of several members of Palin’s family, but no Sarah Palin.

“In Alaska you measure yourself as an Alaskan: Did you get your permanent fund check? She didn’t qualify this year, so I’m not sure if she’s Alaskan anymore,” Begich said. “In Alaska’s eyes that means you have no intent of coming back and you weren’t in Alaska long enough this year to be an Alaskan.”

Mark is exactly right about that PFD thing. (As we noted here at IM back in July of last year.) If you do not live here long enough during the year to qualify for one, then you are a transient, and have no business involving yourself in our politics.

Begich also said that Palin will have a tough time deciding who to endorse in the race, if she doesn't run. Which of course she won't.

“She’s in a box because Sullivan and Mead are establishment candidates. Joe Miller’s an insurgent and he had the best kickoff last week. He had a textbook kickoff,” Begich said. “She’s backing in other races. Why hasn’t she said anything about Alaska yet? But her brand will require her to. She has to.”

I think it is pretty clear that Begich has Palin's number.

I of course disagree that she is even entertaining the possibility to running for the Senate, because we all know she is terrified to attracting national scrutiny again, but I think the Senator has a point that Palin may feel compelled to proffer an endorsement.

However who would want it?

Essentially a Palin endorsement in Alaska would pretty much signal the end of your campaign, since there is NO place in the country where she is reviled more than right here in the Last Frontier.



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