Saturday, May 3, 2014

George W. Bush endorses his brother for President and offers to give him advice. And just like that Jeb's candidacy becomes non-viable.

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George W. Bush endorses his brother for President and offers to give him advice. And just like that Jeb's candidacy becomes non-viable.
Courtesy of Time:

Former President George W. Bush gave his younger brother Jeb his endorsement Thursday should he decide to run for the White House in 2016.

“I hope Jeb runs,” Bush told CNN. “I think he would be a great president. I have no clue what’s on his mind and we will talk when he’s ready. I noticed he’s moving around the country quite a bit.”

“Hey Jeb, if you need some advice, give me a call,” Bush said.

As far as I'm concerned that pretty much takes Jeb out of the race.

As Americans we are still struggling with an economy that was virtually destroyed by President Bush, many of us know soldiers that either died or were traumatized during their participation in the war that he lied them into, and we are watching the Supreme Court justices that he selected completely undermine many of the policies and values that we once held dear.

I cannot IMAGINE that there are too many American citizens willing to use their vote to elect the brother of the man who may go down in history as the worst president in ever!

And the idea that anybody seeking to sit in the White House would seek his counsel, should automatically remove them from contention.

So I would suggest that W just sank his brother's political aspirations with a simple handful of words.

Which is appropriate, since many of his most egregious crimes against our country, started with a handful of poorly communicated words.



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