Wednesday, July 2, 2014

If elected Mitch McConnell promises more restrictions on a woman's right to choose.

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If elected Mitch McConnell promises more restrictions on a woman's right to choose.
Courtesy of Mediaite:

If Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) wins reelection this fall and Republicans take back the Senate from Democrats, he will likely become Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. The senator reminded potential voters of this fact over the weekend when he spoke at the National Right to Life Convention in Louisville, Kentucky.

“I’m proud of my record and defense of life. If I was majority leader, we’d already have had a vote on it in the Senate,” McConnell said, referring to legislation on abortion rights. “It’s long past time for us to join the ranks of most other civilized nations to protect children past 20 weeks in the womb.”

McConnell’s Democratic opponent Alison Lundergan Grimes has said she is “pro-choice down the line on abortion” and opposes a ban on abortion after 20 weeks. (This is not strictly accurate in that many of the country's with restrictions on abortion make allowances for a woman's health or the health of the fetus. And others have virtually no restrictions, so long as a doctor or two signs off on the procedure. Of the countries that DO have draconian restrictions in place the main reason behind them seems to be pressure from a large Catholic or Muslim population.)

Earlier this year, she said, “I would never pretend to tell one of my sisters what to do with their body and I don’t want the federal government doing that either… When it comes to choice, I believe, should a woman have to make that decision, it’s between herself, her doctor, and her God.”

As if women needed yet another reason to turn out en masse to kick this human turtle hybrid to the curb.



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