Friday, July 11, 2014

Latest Sarah Palin rant about impeachment proves a boon to Democratic fundraisers. Update!

9:33 PM By No comments

Latest Sarah Palin rant about impeachment proves a boon to Democratic fundraisers.  Update!
Courtesy of Politico:

Sarah Palin this week joined a long line of Republican firebrands in raising the specter of impeachment against the president, writing in a op-ed: “The many impeachable offenses of Barack Obama can no longer be ignored. If after all this he’s not impeachable, then no one is.”

And like clockwork, the Democratic outrage machine sprang to life — using her comments to mobilize grass-roots supporters and raise small dollar campaign donations from Obama die-hards.

The result was a flood of grass-roots donations, according to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

The DCCC sent at least two emails in 24 hours about Palin’s remarks to supporters — one unsigned under the subject line “BREAKING: Impeachment” and another under House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s name.

In a third email to supporters with the subject line “Palin HUMILIATED,” the DCCC claimed it received nearly 10,000 donations in just 24 hours — double the committee’s typical donation rate.

The committee said as a result of the flood of grass-roots donations, it was just short of a $3 million fundraising goal it set after House Speaker John Boehner threatened to sue Obama late last month — although it’s unclear how much of the money raised was in direct response to the impeachment-related emails.

“Republican overreach continues to be a huge motivating factor for our grass roots. The response to impeachment has been well over six figures,” DCCC spokesman Josh Schwerin told POLITICO.

I know it's not true, but every once in awhile I completely understand why some people think that Palin is an undercover operative for the Democratic party.

Without her help the Democrats would not be doing nearly so well, and the Republicans might not be falling apart quite so rapidly.

P.S. And she is doing it again with yet ANOTHER ghostwritten op-ed over at Fox News.

In it she lays out a whole bunch of bogus reasons for why the President should be impeached.

I think this about sums up Palin's frustration at the fact he refuses to pay any attention to her:

Obama can keep laughing and say, “so sue me” to the House’s tepid lawsuit threat. Let’s hear him laugh off impeachment. At the very least, despite his mocking the Constitution, this Constitutional process will put him on notice.

In my opinion not only is the President going to laugh off the idea of impeachment, so is the majority of the Republican party while the Democrats are crossing their fingers and hoping they go ahead with it.

You know I have seen Palin manic before but this time somebody might need to trank her and slap a straightjacket on her before she hurts herself. Or somebody else.

Update: Well it looks like we can add Bill O'Reilly to list of people who are going to laugh off Palin's idea of impeaching the President.

Damn, that's gotta sting!



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