Friday, December 5, 2014

Proving once again that Sarah Palin reads the comments at IM her newest Facebook post goes out of its way to explain why she hosted Thanksgiving dinner in a garage.

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Proving once again that Sarah Palin reads the comments at IM her newest Facebook post goes out of its way to explain why she hosted Thanksgiving dinner in a garage.
Courtesy of Poco-not-hot's Facebook:

Soooo, our Thanksgiving setting may be unconventional for those who spend time worrying about children spilling juice on the pretty carpets, sticky fingerprints on the good China, and gravy stains on the fine linen, but it's just right for those who want a few less worries when family gets together. Before that scrumptious holiday meal in the makeshift dining hall and a couple wild rounds of Eskimo Bingo in our dressed up workshop where no one worries about spills on the concrete (I just hose it down after dinner, literally).

In other words they eat like farm animals and dammit Sarah Palin wants you to know that's okay.

Why she wants us to know that I have no idea. I mean hell it is a week later and still she feels the need to post Thanksgiving day pictures and explain her redneck lifestyle.

In my opinion that is undoubtedly because she read comments over here giving her crap over the tacky decorations, cheap furniture, and those god awful boots on her feet.

Palin also links to Bristol's blog as an excuse for this post, but she's not fooling anybody.



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