Friday, December 5, 2014

So Sarah Palin was on Fox News babbling incoherently about Russia again.

2:11 PM By No comments

Stuart Varney, the guy with the British accent that Roger Ailes hired to class up Fox News (Yeah good luck with that!), had Palin on today to discuss Christmas, Russia, energy, and other things that she know absolutely nothing about.

Somebody sent me a link so I listened to it and for the most part found nothing but the same old incomprehensible word salad that we have come to expect from the Queen of Non Sequiturs. (Varney asks her a question about Russia but her answer is so convoluted that I simply cannot bring myself to attempt a transcript.)

But then Varney asked Palin to explain why the President does not want to open federal lands in order to drill them full of holes to get more oil.

"Our President has absolutely no clue about what that inherent link between energy and sovereignty, energy and security and prosperity is, because he has no experience, I think, in the real world, or even in the corporate world, and understanding how energy is so extremely important for our economy and for our security, So that being said, that our President is clueless about all this, you would thing though that the Democrats, especially from oil producing states would be able to influence Democrat leadership, like our President, and help explain to him that we could take away Putin's power. We could take away the threats from some of these emerging economies to, who are as a weapon, as a weapon against us, and like you say you take that away by being sovereign and secure in your own energy security, your own energy independence. You do that by drilling domestically and when you hear President Obama spew this BS about what he has done to increase domestic supplies of energy, remember it is BS. Because on federal lands he still locks it up, he still wants it locked up."

Holy shit, there is not enough dressing in the world to make that word salad palatable.

And God I hate it when this imbecile starts arguing that President Obama has no experience in the real world. THE MAN HAS BEEN PRESIDENT FOR SIX FUCKING YEARS NOW!

There is no way he could NOT have experience in the "real world." He is the fucking leader of it!

Besides Palin's contention that drilling domestically would "take away Putin's power" is just another giant load of moosenuggets.

In fact we get so little of our oil from Russia it would make literally no discernible difference if we stopped.

So Sarah Palin was on Fox News babbling incoherently about Russia again.
So Sarah Palin was on Fox News babbling incoherently about Russia again.

So Sarah Palin was on Fox News babbling incoherently about Russia again.
And in fact if Palin knew anything about what she is talking about she would know that America gets the majority of its oil from right here in North America.

So Sarah Palin was on Fox News babbling incoherently about Russia again.
And a whopping 60% of the oil we use comes from production right here in the good old US of A.

So Sarah Palin was on Fox News babbling incoherently about Russia again.
You know that is something that I would think a self identified "energy expert" might already know.

By the way the very last thing that any of us should want is for the ANY world leader to green light more oil exploration in this country or anywhere else in the world. And fortunately this President understands that the future lies in renewable energy sources and has made that a priority.

Perhaps a better use of Palin's time would be to stop making stupid videos about fake pie baking, and giving insipid interviews, and instead take a load off those spindly legs of hers and sit down to watch a little television.



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