Monday, October 14, 2013

Fox News White House correspondent storms out because Jay Carney ignored him and hurt his widdle feelings. Update!

1:30 PM By

Courtesy of HuffPo:

Fox News correspondent Ed Henry walked out of a White House press briefing after being repeatedly ignored by spokesman Jay Carney on Friday. Henry attempted to ask Carney a question twice, but Carney called on other people instead.

After the first time, Henry could be seen shaking his head and muttering something to colleague Major Garrett. After the second time, Henry angrily got up and left the room. The briefing continued without him.

You can see the head shake at the 4 sec mark, the slow burn at the 2 minute mark, and the storm out at the 3:20 mark. Such a professional.

Personally I don't think that the President or his spokespeople should EVER call on any Fox News reporters. After all if you want to disseminate information it is best to do so by providing it to actual journalists, and NOT Republican propagandists.

Update: Oh this just keeps getting better:

The exchange, or lack of one, followed a contentious session on Wednesday in which Henry essentially accused the president of being indifferent to the families of servicemembers killed in action. The Wednesday exchange between Carney and Henry over the restoration of military death benefits centered on Henry repeatedly asking when Obama “learn[ed] specifically that the military death benefits would not be paid,” the tone becoming more confrontational with each back and forth between Henry and Carney.

Carney described Henry as a partisan opponent during that exchange. This wasn’t the first contentious exchange between the two. Henry badgered Carney last month about whether or not the White House staffer would sign up for Obamacare. Though Henry meant it as a gotcha-type accusation, Carney replied “If I did not have employer provided health insurance, like I’m sure you do, unless there’s something about Fox I don’t know, then I would absolutely enroll and it would be more affordable.”

At the impromptu Friday press conference, Carney called on no television reporters, and ignored Henry’s attempts to ask a question.

So NO television reporters were called on, but only ONE cable news idiot threw a tantrum because of it.



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