Tuesday, October 1, 2013

NRA lobbyist shoots elephant in the face and then celebrates manhood by drinking champagne.

10:24 AM By

Courtesy of the YouTube page:

NBC Sports network came under fire this week after it aired an NRA-sponsored program that included gun lobbyist Tony Makris shooting an elephant in the face and then drinking champagne. Deadspin noted on Tuesday that the Botswana hunt had aired during this week's episode of Under Wild Skies.

Makris is a longtime friend of NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre and is best known for orchestrating Charlton Heston's rise within the organization.

In a video of the hunt, Makris spots an elephant in the brush, walks up and shoots it in the the face twice. After a short chase, Makris fires again and the elephant is dead. The NRA lobbyist then takes a moment to pose with his .577 "Tyrannosaur" rifle and the dead pachyderm.

As the episode ends, the group of hunters enjoys a glass of champagne while watching the sunset.

Yes, NOTHING will improve the reputation of the NRA like televising a hunt featuring one of their lobbyists, where he shoots a majestic elephant IN THE FACE.

I will have to assume that there were no kittens or puppies around for them to stomp to death.



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