Sunday, October 20, 2013

Rachel Maddow goes down the list of bad things that happened to the Republicans this week, culminating in possibly the worst endorsement for Ken Cuccinelli ever.

8:51 AM By

Yes when you are famous for not knowing how birth control works you may not be the best choice for an endorsement. Especially considering the fact that you are apparently a tongue ties imbecile.

Of course this IS Ken Cuccinelli, who said last year that he cannot understand why God has not punished America more for all our abortions:

"Really, Given that God does judge nations, it's amazing that abortion has run as far and foully as it has, without what I would consider to be a greater imposition of judgment on this country," Cuccinelli said. "Who knows what the future holds?"

How far behind Terry McAuliffe is Cuccinelli in the polls again?



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