Monday, December 2, 2013

Right Wing shock jock Rush Limbaugh helped Sarah Palin pimp her book on his radio show, so, using the creepiest photo ever, she returns the favor.

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Right Wing shock jock Rush Limbaugh helped Sarah Palin pimp her book on his radio show, so, using the creepiest photo ever, she returns the favor.
Courtesy of the Christmas candy cane polisher's Facebook page:

It was an honor meeting Rush Limbaugh during the first leg of the “Good Tidings and Great Joy” book tour and getting a copy of his great book “Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims.” As the daughter of a schoolteacher, I received cherished books for Christmas from my parents growing up. Such books bring us back to simpler, sweeter times; many of them are now passed along to kids and grandkids and still appreciated today. “Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims” reminds me of those cherished books of my childhood. Our books make great stocking stuffers!

Oh yes let's all buy Limbaugh's book about his time traveling fantasies, an invisible talking horse, and his twisted revisionist history. Sounds like just the thing to give to that special somebody you want to never talk to you again.

I think the only thing Rush knows less about than history would be successful dieting tips and women.

Perhaps the creepiest part of this co-pimping by Sarah Palin and Limbaugh is the fact she let him paw her young daughters.

Eww! I won't even let my daughter listen to this asshole's radio show muhc less let him touch her.

Besides it does not seem to have done any good for Palin to prostitute her children to Rush, since her book is now rated 605 on the Amazon book ratings.

I swear I have seen comets plummet to the earth with less velocity.



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