Thursday, January 2, 2014

CNN helping to create fake outrage over MSNBC panel's remarks concerning Romney adoption. Suggesting that Melissa Harris-Perry join Bashir and Baldwin as ex-MSNBC hosts.

4:11 PM By No comments

CNN helping to create fake outrage over MSNBC panel's remarks concerning Romney adoption. Suggesting that Melissa Harris-Perry join Bashir and Baldwin as ex-MSNBC hosts.
Courtesy of Mediaite:

We are now into Day Four of Kierangate, the slow-news-fueled controversy surrounding an at-best tone deaf MSNBC segment that used a photo of Mitt Romney grandchild Kieran Romney as a vehicle to attack Republicans’ lack of racial diversity, and CNN has upped the ante by reporting that “some” are “demanding” that host Melissa Harris-Perry be fired. If you stay through the tease and the entire report, though, you might find the evidence of an angry, firing-demanding mob somewhat lacking.

What began as online criticism of a ham-handed cable news segment has now morphed into a full-blown public cable news flogging of Dean Obeidallah, Pia Glenn, and MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry, who participated in said segment on Sunday’s episode of Harris-Perry’s show. MSNBC competitors Fox News and CNN each filled the desolate holiday weekend with multiple segments attacking the segment, while Harris-Perry and her panelists offered a round of apologies on Twitter, and elsewhere.

On Wednesday morning, CNN anchor Zoraida Sambolin teased a report on the uproar by telling viewers “Some people demanding MSNBC fire one host after she mocked Mitt Romney’s black grandson,” (Harris-Perry’s comment on the photo had to do with imagining a Mitt Romney/Kanye West-sponsored wedding in the future) and introduced the report, by Lisa Desjardins, by repeating that claim, and grouping Harris-Perry with recently-ousted MSNBC hosts Alec Baldwin and Martin Bashir.

Desjardin’s report, however, presents little evidence of such a groundswell. giving just one example of a person on Twitter who wants Harris-Perry fired. Even with more examples, a raft of tweets is an awfully low bar for a national news network to claim as a newsworthy movement to have someone fired. To this point, Harris-Perry’s critics from competing cable news outlets have not suggested she be fired, nor has anyone else in Desjardin’s report.

Let me just say that if MSNBC caves and allows this non-scandal to cost them yet ANOTHER host due to Right Wing outrage they will have finally lost me as a loyal viewer.

And for those who did not see the segment, MHP herself said NOTHING objectionable at all, and in fact referred to the child as gorgeous.

Here see for yourself.

Please MSNBC, do NOT let the Right Wing professional outrage machine steal away another talented member of your cable news family.

If you give in they will not stop until there is nobody left to compete against Fox News and CNN. And you know, perhaps THAT is the goal!



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