Saturday, February 22, 2014

With a new Right Wing outrage in the wind can opportunist Sarah Palin be far behind?

10:43 PM By No comments

With a new Right Wing outrage in the wind can opportunist Sarah Palin be far behind?
As all of you may remember from yesterday the outrage du jour is that the FCC was proposing the idea of having researchers conduct a study on newsrooms which totally flipped out all of the people who don't actually do any news but don't want anybody to know that.

Well the study has now been shelved, but not before Palin took to Facebook to stamp her red, white, and blue shod feet about it.

This from the Lunatic from Lake Lucille's Facebook page:

What? Lamestream calls for empathy, even outrage, for a First Amendment violation that's on par with all the abuse we've brought to your attention as Obama stomps on our Constitution. You've IGNORED us, you've marginalized us, you've left us for "destroyed." But when Obama's boot is on YOUR neck you finally wake the h*ll up and cry foul? Good Lord.

You know what? I think the barely coherent syntax, disorganized bursts of capitalization, and flecks of venomous spittle indicate that Palin herself may have actually written this.

Clearly even the possibility of being exposed as a propaganda arm of the radical right has folks like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and Sarah Palin in a state of panic.

Interestingly enough this FCC study idea has not seemed to bother most news outlets, you know the ones that practice actual journalism, but it has caused such a freakout among the conservative side of the aisle that it almost makes you think they may have something to hide.

Gee, I wonder what that could be.



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