Saturday, March 15, 2014

Father traumatizes his young daughter while telling her that pro-choice demonstrators "believe in killing babies." May be the most disturbing video you watch all week.

10:43 PM By No comments

Courtesy of the You Tube page:

J. Bradley Horner, former candidate for Mayor of Athens Alabama. The windchill at this time was in the upper 30's. We were all bundled up. Felt so sorry for those cold children. Mr. Horner tried his best to start something with the clinic escorts, but we don't respond, only record. This video was taken in Huntsville AL.

For the record there is NOBODY that I am aware of on the pro-choice side who wants there to be more abortions. That is why they are always also outspoken advocates for sex education and increased access to birth control.

What this man did is indefensible in my eyes, and a clear case of child abuse.

That little girl could no be older than four or five and has no idea what this man is saying to her other than the fact that these people standing in front of them are evil.

And make no mistake the anti-choice movement in this country is only growing stronger and more aggressive, in their attempts to strip women of the right to have control over their reproductive organs.

Just read this courtesy of Mother Jones.

We are steadily losing ground in this argument for choice, and with fathers like this demonizing people fighting to protect Roe vs Wade it makes me worry about the future.



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