Saturday, March 15, 2014

Sarah Palin calls in to radio show to help promote idea that the "war on women" is fake and that the conservatives are more pro-women than the liberals.

3:41 AM By No comments

This from the YouTube page:

March 13th, 2014 • Sarah Palin made an unexpected call to the Dennis Prager show today. Guest host Mark Isler was interviewing co-authors Dr. Gina Gentry Loudon and Ann-Marie Murrell on their new book "What Women Really Want", and suddenly found themselves on the phone with the conservative leader as they were discussing the "War on Women" being waged by liberals.

So ostensibly the story is that Palin was driving around in her car, most likely in Arizona somewhere, and heard this show and felt the need to call in and give her two cents.

Gina Loudon, of course, also has a child with Down syndrome and she and Palin have met a few times, and this Ann-Marie Murrell woman is a right wing loon who writes for a number of conservative websites.

Isler starts of by having a mini-climax at the thought that Palin actually knows how to work the radio dial.

Palin then weighs in with her oh so well thought out and researched opinion:

"Hey I just wanted to call in and thank the gals for working so extremely hard to combat this BS "war on women" stuff, and explain to America that we are the party that are the true women liberators, because we are the ones fighting against this government control over all of us. And we care so much about every woman and every ounce of positive potential in every woman, so much so that we want to protect even our littlest sisters. They're the ones in the womb. We're the party with the plank in the platform. And you gals are the ones preaching it and i love you and I thank you."

The two women gush over this praise (I think one of them even cries.), proceed to praise her appearance at CPAC.

Isler than makes the claim that Republicans don't see gender and only see people as people. (You know people who work for a living and have value, and less important people who need to stay home with the kids and make me a damn sandwich when I tell them to make me a damn sandwich!)

Palin: "Exactly, who is it that is stereotyping women? Is it those who believe that every woman is a powerful, capable, strong individual? And we judge them on individual merits? Or is it, these who would lump women, especially, together and try to create this of these women? (In high pitched voice) Women are stronger, and more capable, and deserve better than that. So it just amazes me that there are some quasi intelligent women who buy into this crap. It blows my mind and when I find out a woman does buy into it, I'm like 'Dang, she disappoints me, now I realize she's not that smart."

To be clear this is Sarah Palin, you know the one who could not get through an interview with the MSM without making a fool of herself and setting the women's movement back 50 years, suggesting that women who realize that it is the Democratic party that has worked to help them get paid equally to men, have paid time off for childbirth, and gain access to free birth control under the ACA, are somehow stupid.

Palin goes on to promise to endorse their new book (Uh oh!) and tweet about it to her fan(s).

Isler then suggests that the education system indoctrinates children into liberalism, and expresses surprise that any person can remain conservative in that environment, while also pointing out how the liberal media "attacked" Palin over the years.

Palin: "Yeah well, they're...they're taking the shots, and they continue to take the shots at all of us, but we're still standing. And I believe we are winning. I believe, especially this year, that people's eyes are opening. It is a great awakening in America where people are realizing 'Ah we've been sold a bunch of hooey, and we're not going to take it anymore.' Look at Obama's poll numbers, that's indicative of, they've got a problem. We're going to win!"

So the message here, if I can find I underneath all of this predigested word salad, is that liberals are working against women, conservatives are working to empower women, and education is hurting America.

Well yeah that makes all kinds of sens.....wait a minute!

I actually looked for this book and could not find a mention of it on Amazon, so perhaps it is only sold subversively to people they don't think have good reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.



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