Saturday, March 29, 2014

Insider co-host likens Sarah Palin to Kim Kardashian. I'm pretty sure he owes me copyright money for that.

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Insider co-host likens Sarah Palin to Kim Kardashian. I'm pretty sure he owes me copyright money for that.
Courtesy of Al Arabiyah News:

The Insider’s co-host Kevin Frazier on the CBC network described Palin, the former governor of Alaska, as taking the opportunity to further her fame just like “The Kardashians,” who have been lambasted by some observers for seeking fame.

In a segment discussing her upcoming show, “Amazing America with Sarah Palin,” Frazier said:

“The one thing I kept thinking - I have met the political Kardashian,” right-wing U.S. website Breibart reported him as saying Thursday.

Bad news I just did a quick Google search and it turns out that just about EVERYBODY has been comparing Palin to the Kardashians for years. I KNEW I should have had Klondike Kardashian copyrighted!

I love this part of the article.

Frazier added: “She has made something out of nothing and people keep eating [it up].”

Well that may be about the truest things ever said about Sarah Palin.

Of course the one thing that separates Kim Kardashian from Palin is that HER reality shows were an actual success, and that success has now spread throughout her entire family.

Palin on the other hand has failed time and time again, and every attempt by her family to ride on her coattails ends in a complete disaster.

Personally I think we are seeing the final death throes of Palin's unnecessarily extended fifteen minutes of fame.

After this it is going to be sad little appearances on local talk radio shows, which of course she has already started doing, and old people porn that nobody will ever watch.



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