Monday, March 17, 2014

Newest pro-Palin advertisement is an exercise in exaggeration, conflation, and frustration.

7:05 AM By No comments

Courtesy of the Conservative Campaign Committee:

Too often we’ve seen the liberal media and Democrat Party activists smear our conservative leaders – telling lies about them, mocking them, you know the routine.

Gov. Sarah Palin has been attacked by the Left more than just about any other conservative leader of our time. As the 2014 Midterm Elections continue, we have a choice: we can either play “offense” and stand up for our leaders and their conservative convictions, or we can choose to be timid, stay silent, and hope by some miracle we manage to win the war of ideas taking place during this election cycle.

We here at the Conservative Campaign Committee choose to fight. And that is why we are launching a new TV ad campaign that celebrates Sarah Palin’s conservative leadership and shows how while she and other conservatives have been proven right on a whole host of issues, Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi were wrong.

I have to say that I kind of find this surprising, as Palin has now completely marginalized herself by moving from Fox News, the Republican propaganda network, to this new streaming media channel online.

Besides that Palin could hardly be considered a spokesperson for the Republican party, as she spends a great deal of her time promoting dissension within the ranks and open hostility in Washington.

Yet so desperate are these sad left over Palin-bots that they will cherry pick the numerous insane things which vomited forth from Palin's maw looking for the one or two that can be polished off to seem almost reasonable.

But of course, in the end, even those are nothing more than shiny lacquered moose nuggets.

Newest pro-Palin advertisement is an exercise in exaggeration, conflation, and frustration.



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