Monday, March 17, 2014

Religion can be both a shield and a bludgeon. Used to protect those who seek safety beneath its banner, and then used to shatter the bodies of those deemed unworthy of such protection.

6:30 AM By No comments

Religion can be both a shield and a bludgeon. Used to protect those who seek safety beneath its banner, and then used to shatter the bodies of those deemed unworthy of such protection.
"It is the church and not the state, to which the teaching of woman’s inferiority is due ; it is the church which primally commanded the obedience of woman to man. It is the church which stamps with religious authority the political and domestic degradation of woman. It is the church which has placed itself in opposition to all efforts looking towards her enfranchisement and it has done this under professed divine authority, and wherever we find laws of the state bearing with greater hardship upon woman than upon man, we shall ever find them due to the teachings of the church." (Source)

The other day somebody commented on the Bill Maher thread that people should simply respect each person's faith and leave it unchallenged.

The answer to that of course it NO.

At least not as long as their belief system is the sole reason cited by those who want to oppress or judge others, and keep them from accessing the life, liberty, and happiness promised to us all in the Declaration of Independence.

If your religion seeks to gain dominance over those who do not agree with its tenets, then it ceases to be a personal choice and instead becomes an overarching threat which must be met with suspicion, investigation, and perhaps even aggression.



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