Sunday, March 16, 2014

Rand Paul just lost the youth vote.

12:27 AM By No comments

Rand Paul just lost the youth vote.
Courtesy of Raw Story:

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has thrown his support behind legislation that Republicans could use to force President Barack Obama to crack down on legal marijuana in states like Colorado and Washington.

Speaking to Fox News on Thursday, the libertarian-leaning senator said he supported the Enforce the Law Act, which has been approved by the House. The legislation would allow Congress to sue the president for failing to faithfully execute laws.

Paul said that Obama appeared to be “writing his own laws whenever he feels like it.”

“He also does need to enforce the law. We write laws and he is just deciding willy-nilly if he likes it he enforces it, if he doesn’t, he won’t enforce it, and we really think he needs to be chastened, rebuked, and told that he needs to obey the constitution,” he added.

Republicans have championed the bill as a way to make President Barack Obama enforce immigration and health care laws, and prevent the executive branch from overstretching its regulatory authority.

But a committee report submitted by a co-sponsor of the bill suggested Republicans would also use the law to try to force Obama to crack down on marijuana in states that have legalized its possession and sale.

Lately there has been a lot of talk that Rand Paul presents the best option for the Republicans to challenge Hillary Clinton.

The theory is that Paul, much like his father, has a strong following among the youth, and that Hillary will be seen by that demographic as an establishment figure who they will find less than inspiring.

I am not sure I agree with that assessment, but what I do know is that if Rand gets himself linked to legislation which threatens to force the President Obama to punish citizens legally using marijuana in states where that is an option, he will lose the youth vote overnight.

Personally I don't think that Paul would even survive the increased scrutiny by the MSM if he were nominated, much less make it though a debate with Hillary in one piece, however I am also aware that the prospects for the Republican party are limited, so it is not entirely impossible that Paul might indeed ultimately be their choice.

If so, this is going to be a bloodbath.



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