Monday, March 3, 2014

Thanks in part to the debate with Bill Nye, Ken Ham now has the money he needs to finish his 73 million dollar Noah's Ark display.

2:23 AM By No comments

Thanks in part to the debate with Bill Nye, Ken Ham now has the money he needs to finish his 73 million dollar Noah's Ark display.
Courtesy of the AP:

Creation Museum founder Ken Ham announced Thursday that a municipal bond offering has raised enough money to begin construction on the Ark Encounter project, estimated to cost about $73 million. Groundbreaking is planned for May and the ark is expected to be finished by the summer of 2016.

Ham said a high-profile evolution debate he had with "Science Guy" Bill Nye on Feb. 4 helped boost support for the project.

Nye said he was "heartbroken and sickened for the Commonwealth of Kentucky" after learning that the project would move forward. He said the ark would eventually draw more attention to the beliefs of Ham's ministry, which preaches that the Bible's creation story is a true account, and as a result, "voters and taxpayers in Kentucky will eventually see that this is not in their best interest."

Ham's Answers in Genesis ministry and the Creation Museum enjoyed an avalanche of news media attention during the debate, which focused on science and the Bible's explanations of the origins of the universe.

So even though Bill Nye clearly won the debate, in the end Ham gained access to his one true god.


This kind of thing sickens me beyond belief.

The story of Noah's Ark is so easily refuted that a child in elementary school could do so.

Unless of course he was educated by Creationists and taken to this aberration and told that it was a legitimate museum. Which it is NOT.

Time is not on the side of the Religious Right, but if they can keep dumbing down our children they can delay the spread of secularism and the end of Fundamentalism.



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