Monday, March 3, 2014

Wendy Davis uses Ted Nugent in new ad to shame Republican Greg Abbott.

1:46 AM By No comments

Courtesy of Politicususa:

The ad features rape survivor Nicole Anderson speaking out, “I am speaking out because it really bothered me for Greg Abbott to partner with Ted Nugent knowing his history of being a predator. I was at home. I heard about it on the news. It made me feel like the it minimized the fact that Ted Nugent is a predator. I think that it sends the wrong message that he partnered up with this man that is very vocal about liking underage girls. There’s something wrong with that. It’s not okay.”

This ad is important on a couple of different levels. First, it is telling the truth about Ted Nugent. These types of ads should make Republican candidates think twice before they decide to cozy up to, and appear with, a self admitted sexual predator.

Secondly, the use of Nugent as a campaign booster by Abbott is an escalation of the Republican war on women, and the men who support the rights of all women. Abbott’s embrace of Nugent is sending the message to all voters that if Greg Abbott is elected governor, open season will continue on the rights of women.

You know I said when Nugent first appeared on stage with Abbott that this would do wonders for the Davis campaign, and clearly they agree with me.

Not only that but I can only imagine how much money Davis has raised off of Ted Nugent's interjection into the Abbott campaign.

Ted Nugent is a sick POS and it the Republicans are ignorant enough to bring him along on the campaign trail, then Democrats are going to be smart enough to use that against them.

Seriously, at this point, if any other Republican or Libertarian links themselves to Ted Nugent we really have to question their mental health. My guess is nobody will go there, but considering how stubborn and self delusional these idiots are anything is possible.



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