Thursday, April 17, 2014

Did you see the blood moon the other night? Do you know whose fault it is? Well according to the Right Wing, Obama's of course.

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Did you see the blood moon the other night? Do you know whose fault it is? Well according to the Right Wing, Obama's of course.
Did you see the blood moon the other night? Do you know whose fault it is? Well according to the Right Wing, Obama's of course.
Courtesy of Right Wing Watch:

WorldNetDaily manages to fit criticism of President Obama into nearly everything it publishes, including its story on Monday’s lunar eclipse.

Citing the president's comments from January — “I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone” — about using executive orders and executive actions in the face of congressional obstruction, right-wing pastor Mark Biltz told WND today that the “blood moon” is a divine warning to Obama that God has “more than a pen and a phone in his hand.”

“In the book of Joel it mentions three times about the sun and the moon going dark and in context it also mentions Divine wrath against all countries that want to divide or part the land of Israel,” Biltz said, touching on a frequent Religious Right claim that Obama administration efforts to broker a Mideast peace deal will lead to divine punishment.

You know I am supposed to make some kind of smart ass comment right about here, but I literally don't have anything to add.

The idea that there is an omnipotent being in the sky that creates indecipherable celestial warnings to direct the actions of human beings is so ridiculous that it makes my head ache.

I mean seriously WTF? It is simply the sun reflecting off of the earth, not a sign for Armageddon.

Oh wait, I stand corrected.



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