Thursday, April 17, 2014

Shoeghazi! Conservatives convinced that Hillary Clinton planned the shoe throwing incident to, "make her seem presidential."

12:52 AM By No comments

Shoeghazi! Conservatives convinced that Hillary Clinton planned the shoe throwing incident to, "make her seem presidential."
Courtesy of TPM:

Call them the shoe truthers.

Some conservative media figures are openly wondering if Hillary Clinton staged an incident during a speech in Las Vegas on Thursday in which a woman in the audience threw a shoe at her. The shoe appeared to miss the rumored 2016 presidential hopeful, who ducked and made light of it, while the reported thrower, Alison Michelle Ernst, was booked by the authorities.

A blog post published Monday at the website of Fox News commentator Bernard Goldberg speculated that Clinton probably "calculated it beforehand," as is "almost always true" with things that happen to her.

"So it would not be stretching logic to suppose that Hillary arranged to have the shoe thrown at her," wrote Arthur Louis at Goldberg's site. "Remembering the Bush incident [when an Iraqi journalist threw two shoes at President George W. Bush], she may have calculated that this would make her seem presidential. This would explain why Ms. Ernst was not pounded to a pulp by Hillary's bodyguards, and why she seems on the verge of getting off scot free. Don’t be too surprised, the next time you visit Phoenix, if you see her sitting at a table in a downtown Hillary for President store front, stuffing and sealing envelopes."

Rush Limbaugh chimed in with much the same theory:

"I'm sorry, I'm ill-equipped to comment," Limbaugh said, adding: "Maybe it's because, in my subconscious, I think it was staged, or set up, or whatever. ... I don't know why anybody would be throwing a shoe at Hillary unless -- maybe it's an attempt to make the Benghazi people look like nuts and lunatics and wackos."

Well he's right about one thing, he is indeed "ill-equipped to comment."

Okay to start off the woman IS being charged with two criminal activities, that could see her spend a year in jail.

Second she has a history of mental problems which include believing that the Aurora theater shooter, enters her mind like Dennis Quaid from "Innerspace" and "zooms" to her heart making her care about him.

This is perhaps one of the stupidest theories I have ever heard from the Right Wing, and let's face it THAT is really saying something.

You know perhaps if Clinton had reached up and caught the shoe their skepticism might make some modicum of sense, but since she seemed completely oblivious to the incoming footwear until after it passed by her head, there is nothing suspicious in her reaction.

Gee, if only these same people would have been half as skeptical of all the bullshit shoveled out by the Bush administration.



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