Friday, April 25, 2014

More racist remarks from Cliven Bundy, and then even more racist remarks while attempting to explain his LAST racist remarks.

11:56 AM By No comments

More racist remarks from Cliven Bundy, and then even more racist remarks while attempting to explain his LAST racist remarks.
Courtesy of Washington Post:

Prior to Cliven Bundy's now-infamous remarks about whether black people were better off as slaves, the controversial Nevada rancher recalled what he described as the days when "Negro" groups rioted in Los Angeles. He also suggested that minorities are against his cause.

"Where is our colored brother? Where is our Mexican brother? Where is our Chinese -- where are they?" Bundy said. "They're just as much American as we are, and they're not with us. If they're not with us, they're going to be against us."

Bundy then recalled the time he worked on the east side of Los Angeles during the Watts riots of 1965. He said he sought refuge in a hotel when things got particularly dicey.

"About two blocks south of Harbor Freeway, they were setting the world on fire," Bundy said. "And who was setting it on fire? It wasn't We the People. It was the Negro groups -- people theirself were setting their own city on fire and raping their own city and stealing from their own city."

"If they're not with us, they're going to be against us." Yeah nothing adversarial about that!

Now the statements above are from yesterday. But Bundy is essentially a broken record when it comes to stating insensitive, or outright racist, comments.

Here are some more from early today:

The press conference, originally expected to announce legal action against the Bureau of Land Management, instead featured Bundy offering a sort of stream-of-conscience take on the reaction to his comments about black people and slavery. He made no apology, and instead used part of his time to scold the media for its coverage of him.

He stood on a makeshift outdoor stage decked with American flags, with supporters occasionally shouting their approval of him. At the end of the event, a few supporters cursed and yelled at the reporters. Bundy, meanwhile, continued sharing thoughts on "the Negro community" in comments that tracked with the attempted clarification Bundy had given to conservative radio hosts throughout the day.

"The question is: Are they slaves the way they are, the way they live, slaves to charity and government subsidized homes?" Bundy said. "Are they slaves when their daughters are having abortions and their sons in the graves and prisons?"

"This thought goes back a long time over the years," he said.

Of seeing black people in their government-subsidized homes in Las Vegas, he said: "I thought, 'Would they be happier if they was home, talking about the South, where they come from? Would they have been home with their gardens and their chickens and their children playing around them?'"

"Would they? That was the question I ask, and I ask you: Would they be happier?"

Would they be happier to have been home, in the South, where they CAME from?

Does he mean on the plantations where they were taken after they were purchased from slave traders? Is THAT the home he is talking about?

The above statements were captured on video (Just in case the Right Wing wants to accuse liberals of taking him out of context.) which you can see for yourself here.

However let me warn you that I tried to listen to the video, and legitimately could only get through about four minutes before my head started to ache.

If anything this guy is even more incoherent than Sarah Palin, and he might actually have dementia.

I have no idea how this old fart inspired anybody to follow him, since all I could think while listening to him talk was "Okay who forgot to give Grandpa his meds again?"

Fox News and the Right Wing media really stepped in it this time.



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