Saturday, May 31, 2014

Sarah Palin tears up at political rally? Are we sure this is THE Sarah Palin?

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Sarah Palin tears up at political rally? Are we sure this is THE Sarah Palin?
Sarah Palin tears up at political rally? Are we sure this is THE Sarah Palin?
Courtesy of the Daily Beast:

At a rally for longshot Senate candidate on the bayou, Sarah Palin got choked up on Thursday.

Sarah Palin, a former reality television star, appeared at rally for Rob Maness, the Tea Party candidate for Senate in Louisiana in New Orleans today, and promptly mocked President Obama for that “hopey-changey stuff.”

But moments later, Palin’s eyes welled with tears at a very Obama-esque notion, when Maness, a retired colonel in the Air Force, describing spending 32 years “soaring above our fruited plain and seeing our purple mountains majesty. Because when you are high above the land of the free there is simply no red or blue states, just the United States of America.”

Maness choked up as well, while it took Palin, standing to his side, several moments to dry her eyes and compose herself.”

Okay let me get this straight.

Sarah Palin did NOT get choked up when Native Alaskans were freezing and starving to death during the winter of 2009, her eyes did not "well up with tears" over news of the shooting deaths at Sandy Hook (After which she claimed to have bought Todd a new gun in response to all the "anti-gun chatter coming from Washington.") and she certainly was not overcome with emotion when Gabby Giffords was shot in the head.

Yet when some nobody Tea party candidate in New Orleans regurgitates a line originally used by President Obama she suddenly remembers she has tear ducts?

Yeah, I call bullshit on that.

I found the video of the event (The remarks in question start at the 9:00 minute mark.) and the camera did not catch Palin's tears, and until I see video proof to the contrary I think I will remain skeptical.

The only emotions I have witnessed from this woman are anger, hate, and almost overwhelming jealousy. And I am convinced that is about the depth of her emotional sensitivities.



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