Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The day after deadly shooting California Republican sends out robo-call reinforcing his pro-gun stance.

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The day after deadly shooting California Republican sends out robo-call reinforcing his pro-gun stance.
Courtesy of Raw Story:

A California Republican touted his commitment to Second Amendment rights and support from pro-gun groups a day after a deadly shooting rampage in a recorded phone call made to voters.

A spokesman for Tony Strickland, who is running for the state’s 25th congressional district, said the robocall was scheduled before a 22-year-old killed seven people and wounded seven others Friday night in Isla Vista.

The calls, which pointed out that Strickland was a founding member of the NRA Member Council and former California Rifle and Pistol Association Legislator of the Year, were made Saturday to voters outside of Los Angeles.

“Tony has been a longtime supporter of the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms and will continue to oppose, and actively fight, any legislation that would take away our Second Amendment right to bear arms,” the call stated. “As the founder of the Freedom Firearms Coalition and with a lifetime ‘A’ rating from the NRA, we can count on Tony Strickland to protect our constitutional rights.”

The problem with gun violence in this country is NOT due to the fact that there is not enough money spent on helping those with mental health issues, though in fact there is not. It is that there are simply too many Goddamn guns on the streets, and they are MUCH too readily available, to ANYBODY, regardless of why they may want to purchase them.

To put it simply, you can shoot somebody to death whether you are mentally ill, too drunk to make rational choices, to angry to think clearly, or too young to know what you are doing.

But you CANNOT shoot somebody to death if you do not have a gun with which to do it.

THAT should be the focus for keeping us safe.

And insensitive, asshole politicians like this one, do nothing but exacerbate the problem.



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