Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Andrew Sullivan returns from vacation and immediately takes Sarah Palin to task over her attacks on Hillary Clinton.

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Andrew Sullivan returns from vacation and immediately takes Sarah Palin to task over her attacks on Hillary Clinton.
As all of you know I posted about Palin's hypocrisy concerning Hillary's health right after she made her clumsy attempt at an attack last week.

Sadly for Andrew Sullivan he was out of the office that week. However now that he is back in front of his laptop, he is ready to take Palin head on.

First Sullivan takes a moment to agree with Palin about the importance of a candidate releasing their medical records when running for office. Then he reminds his readers that he was vilified for doing the exact same thing in regard to Palin in 2008:

When did Palin actually release something about her health? She released a two-page letter from her doctor one hour before polling day.

No records at all. Was she subjected to a press grilling? I know of no reporter who asked her to verify her Trig stories; there were no questions ever about her weird stories about giving a speech while having contractions or getting on an airplane eight months pregnant and already in labor. The McCain campaign never asked her for verification or explanation of any of these stories. Those of us who did ask were then ridiculed and slimed by the press and the campaign.

These facts need to be remembered when Palin tries to rewrite history. And one above all: all Hillary Clinton needs to do, if she is to follow Palin’s example, is to wait until an hour before the polls open, and release a brief doctor’s note saying nothing is wrong. Somehow, I don’t think the press will let her get away with that. Which raises the question of why the press let Palin get away with the same thing. And still do.


And that is really the crux of the argument put forward by those of us taunted with the "Trig Truther" label.

IF Palin had released comprehensive medical records, or released a verifiable birth certificate for Trig, then I think she could have legitimately mocked those who kept accusing her of faking her pregnancy, or continued questioning the circumstances surrounding it.

However to this day, she has done neither.

Nor are their any pictures of her bare pregnant belly, no testimonials of any friends who felt a baby kick, or any photos of her in the delivery room holding her newborn. (Which by the way is something that I believe EVERY mother has in their possession.)

And let me just say how nice it is to see that Andrew has not stepped away from the babygate controversy. He obviously rarely has need to bring it up, but if Palin gives him an opening he is certainly not shy about taking it.

And isn't Palin an idiot for giving it to him?



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