Sunday, June 22, 2014

Bill Maher's New Rules from last night's show.

2:15 AM By No comments

I thought the episode was very funny, and I liked how Maher closed it out on the issue of Iraq.

Maher compared America's fixation with trying to bring democracy to rogue nations to a woman who always believes she can "fix" a man by smothering him with love.

I was really tired last night for some reason, so I may not have been thinking clearly, which might explain why during the conversations I kept finding myself agreeing with Glenn Greenwald on most of the issues.

I don't really like him, but he really did have a valid point more times than not last night.

And Maher's point that in order for America to do anything about what is going on in Iraq right now we essentially have to choose sides in a religious conflict, is also dead on.



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