Friday, June 27, 2014

Do you know where it is probably NOT a safe place to provide a gun safety class? In the parking lot of your local Target.

7:13 AM By No comments

Did this guy actually feel it necessary to point out to a bunch of folks carrying long guns and assault style rifles where the muzzle is located? And then call it "the dangerous end" as if he were talking to preschoolers?

This Open Carry Texas group recorded and posted this video, I'm sure, to help put people's minds at ease about their activities. But it actually had the opposite effect on me.

At one point the guy conducting the instruction says "Keep your hands away from the trigger mechanism. We have no reason to be shooting at anybody today." As if that is something that individuals openly carrying weapons designed for warfare must be reminded of.

If this is the level of confidence these organizers have in the people participating in their silly little protests, that just convinces me even more that somebody, somewhere. is going to get shot by one of these ammosexual idiots.

(H/T to Americans Against the Tea Party.)



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