Friday, June 27, 2014

President Obama's epic response to the news that the House Republicans are planning to sue him.

11:36 PM By No comments

President Obama's epic response to the news that the House Republicans are planning to sue him.
Courtesy of HuffPo:

Faced with the threat of legal action over his use of executive power, President Barack Obama pointed his finger squarely back at congressional Republicans on Friday, stating that their historic inaction prompted him to go it alone to address the nation's problems.

"They don't do anything except block me and call me names," Obama said in a speech on the economy at Lake Harriet in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Without citing which specific executive actions he intended to challenge, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) announced this week that he would bring legislation to the floor authorizing the House to file a lawsuit against the president to "compel" him to enforce existing law. "We elected a president, Americans note; we didn’t elect a monarch or king," he wrote in a memo to his colleagues.

That set the president off on Friday. In an interview with "Good Morning America," he dismissed the suit as nothing more than a "stunt." And in his remarks in Minnesota, he argued that he was forced to take action on immigration, the federal minimum wage and pay discrimination because this Congress, which has been called the least productive Congress in history, refused to compromise on legislative priorities.

"They've decided to sue me for doing my job," Obama said.

"If you’re mad at me for helping people on my own then join me and we’ll do it together," he added. "I want to work with you, but you gotta give me something. You gotta try to deliver something. Anything."

Good for him goddamn it!

It is well past time for the President to stop treating these assholes as if they are public servants trying to do the best thing for their constituents and the country, who simply have a differing point of view.

They are essentially traitors, that this point who are being driven to obstruct ANY progress at the behest of big business groups and crazed fringe elements within their party.

If they were the doctors and administrators of a mental health facility (Which of course they might as well be.), they would be facilitating the sharing medications between patients, taking them on field trips to strip clubs, and encouraging them to follow the advice of the voices in their head to kill random strangers.



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