Monday, June 30, 2014

Louisiana state representative claims that climate change is "the greatest deception in the history of mankind" and that any 10 year old can invalidate it with a thermometer.

6:59 PM By No comments

Courtesy of Raw Story:

A Louisiana State Representative, seeking her district’s U.S. House seat, has posted a campaign video calling climate change “the greatest deception in the history of mankind,” and stating that it can be disproved using a simple thermometer.

In the video Lenar Whitney, who is running for the seat representing Louisiana’s sixth congressional district being vacated by Republican Bill Cassidy, claims climate change is being pushed by liberals, including former Vice President Al Gore, as a way to gain more power for government and raise taxes.

Using terminology usually associated with former half-term Governor Sarah Palin, Whitney claims that her pronouncement that climate change is a fraud, “caused liberals in the lamestream media to become unglued,” before equating herself with George Orwell, who once said: “In a time of universal deceit – telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

“Any ten-year-old can invalidate their thesis with one of the simplest scientific devices known to man. A thermometer.”

“The Earth has done nothing but get colder each year since the films release,” Whitney adds. “God certainly has a wonderful sense of irony.”

“The conspiracy of global warming has had a devastating effect on the American Dream,” she continues before lauding the work of America’s oil companies.

I love how Sarah Palin is used as the barometer for determining degrees of stupidity.

It seems to me that Louisiana is currently being overrun by a whole passel of Sarah Palin clones these days. Including it's Governor.



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