Monday, July 7, 2014

BBC journalists are being given courses to educate them against inviting climate change denying cranks onto their programs.

9:35 AM By No comments

BBC journalists are being given courses to educate them against inviting climate change denying cranks onto their programs.
Courtesy of the Telegraph:

BBC journalists are being sent on courses to stop them inviting so many cranks onto programmes to air ‘marginal views’

The BBC Trust on Thursday published a progress report into the corporation’s science coverage which was criticised in 2012 for giving too much air-time to critics who oppose non-contentious issues.

The report found that there was still an ‘over-rigid application of editorial guidelines on impartiality’ which sought to give the ‘other side’ of the argument, even if that viewpoint was widely dismissed.

Some 200 staff have already attended seminars and workshops and more will be invited on courses in the coming months to stop them giving ‘undue attention to marginal opinion.’

“The Trust wishes to emphasise the importance of attempting to establish where the weight of scientific agreement may be found and make that clear to audiences,” wrote the report authors.

“Science coverage does not simply lie in reflecting a wide range of views but depends on the varying degree of prominence such views should be given.”

The Trust said that man-made climate change was one area where too much weight had been given to unqualified critics.

You know if this has an effect it might be nice to ask the BBC if America can send their "journalists" to the courses as well.

I would also suggest a similar program for public schools in the south to keep them from "teaching the controversy" when it comes to science instruction.

I would also suggest sending the Fox News folks there as well, but since this is an educational course it is unlikely to have much of an impact.



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