Monday, July 7, 2014

GOP is now selling "I Miss W" t-shirts. They are officially screwed.

12:33 PM By No comments

GOP is now selling "I Miss W" t-shirts. They are officially screwed.
Courtesy of HuffPo:

The Republican National Committee is celebrating former President George W. Bush's birthday this weekend by selling wistful "I Miss W." t-shirts to its supporters.

"President George W. Bush led our nation through some of the most challenging moments of our nation’s history — and we miss him and his leadership," reads a fundraising pitch on the RNC's website. "By sporting this comfortable, classic, American-made tee, you can share our message and help us elect principled conservative leaders to office."

Let me be the first to totally endorse the idea of the Republican party reminding the voters of just who they put into office the last time they won the White House.

If they want to remind everybody that the guy who tanked the economy, started two unnecessary wars, and allowed the biggest terrorist attack in America's history to take place on his watch, was THEIR guy, who am I to stand in their way?

Fucking morons!



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