Saturday, July 12, 2014

From the anti-Obamacare folks who brought you the super creepy Uncle Sam, we now have the super creepy traveling circus.

5:34 AM By No comments

Courtesy of Liberaland:

Generation Opportunity, the Koch-funded nonprofit group that created the Creepy Uncle Sam anti-Obamacare campaign last fall, is back with an extremely elaborate new anti-Obamacare ad, which they are taking on the road as a circus-type event. You can’t make this stuff up.

Ironically, the first image in the ad looks exactly a coal runner, not Obamacare, coming into town intentionally spewing out toxic black smoke just to stick it to Obama. The Koches are notorious polluters so this totally makes sense.

You know I am not sure how this is supposed to convince people to fear Obamacare.

Convince them to fear clowns sure, but who needs help with that once they have seen Pennywise?

From the anti-Obamacare folks who brought you the super creepy Uncle Sam, we now have the super creepy traveling circus.
The facts are millions of people now have access to health care who did not have it before, or access to better health care which they now cannot have taken away and can follow them from job to job.

The Koch brothers lost this war awhile ago, and no nightmare inducing advertisements are going to change that.



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