Saturday, July 12, 2014

President Obama mocks calls for his impeachment.

3:08 PM By No comments

President Obama mocks calls for his impeachment.
Courtesy of The Hill:

President Obama on Thursday claimed he is “not that partisan of a guy” as he mocked calls in the Republican Party for his impeachment.

The president spent much of his address in Austin, Texas, hammering congressional Republicans, saying they have "blocked or voted down every serious idea to strengthen the middle class."

“I’m just telling the truth now," Obama said. "I don't have to run for office again so I can just let her rip.”

He teed off on Republicans such as Sarah Palin who have suggested in recent days that he be impeached, and dismissed Speaker John Boehner's (R-Ohio) proposed lawsuit over his executive actions.

"'Sue him! Impeach him!' Really? For what? You're going to sue me for doing my job?" Obama said. "I mean think about that — you're going to use taxpayer money to sue me for doing my job, while you don't do your job? Huh."

The president said that the "best thing you can say" about Republicans this year is that they haven't forced a shutdown of the federal government.

"Of course it's only July, so who knows what they may cook up in the next couple of months," he added.

"I'm not that partisan of a guy," Obama said. "My favorite president is a Republican president."

Obama heralded the accomplishments of Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower, saying the nation had "great" Republican leaders.

"Richard Nixon started the EPA!" Obama said.

He suggested Republicans had cynically chosen to abandon positions they believed in simply because he had embraced them.

"At least agree with me for the things you used to say you were for, before I was for them," Obama said, adding that "Ronald Reagan passed immigration, and you loved Ronald Reagan."

"It's lonely just me doing stuff," Obama said. "I'd love if the Republicans did stuff too."

The President is absolutely right, the very things he is being attacked for these days are the same things that the Republicans would be celebrating if there was a Republican in the White House.

Or maybe even simply a white President living there.

You know sometimes I think that the President needs somebody around all the time just to give him a big hug once in awhile and tell him he is doing a good job.

They say that the loneliest job in the world is to be President of the United States, but sometimes it seems that Obama is far more isolated than those that came before him.

And fuck the Republicans for putting him in that spot.



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