Saturday, July 12, 2014

With this crazy talk of impeachment I think we all need this reality check.

9:08 AM By No comments

Boykin is referencing this Op-ed he posted on July 2nd refuting the findings of the Quinnipiac poll which states among other things:

Under President Obama, the unemployment rate has fallen from 10 percent in 2009 to 6.3 percent today. Under George W. Bush, on the other hand, the unemployment rate rose from 4.2 percent to 7.8 percent.

Under President Obama, the U.S. economy is gaining 200,000 jobs a month. When Bush left office, however, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month.

Under President Obama, at least 24 million people have gotten health insurance. The rate of uninsured has declined from 18 percent to 13.4 percent and the rate for Blacks has dropped dramatically from 20.9 percent to 14.7 percent. And despite all the exaggerated GOP claims that Obamacare would be a "job killer," we've actually added more than 9 million new private sector jobs since the president signed the law.

Under President Obama, businesses are also booming again. In the first few weeks of his presidency, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was sitting at 6547. Today it's close to 17,000, a 10,000 point increase in five years! And corporate profits hit an all-time record high just last year.

Don't forget Obama inherited from Bush a deeply divided country, engaged in two wars, in the midst of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, with banks collapsing, housing prices plummeting and the domestic auto industry on the verge of extinction.

President Obama ended the war in Iraq, drew down troops in Afghanistan, captured Osama Bin Laden, averted a second depression, helped to rescue the financial sector, stabilized home prices and saved more than a million jobs in the auto industry.

At the same time, he enacted the most sweeping health care reform legislation in 50 years, something Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton couldn't do, and which Ronald Reagan and the two Bushes never wanted to do.

Compared to Bill Clinton, Obama also stacks up well.

Boykin then goes on to explain why that last statement is true.

And Boykin is not the only pundit to take great umbrage at the findings by Quinnipiac. Talk Show host Joe Madison held nothing back:

Quinnipiac you bastards.

Obama the worst President? Hardly!!!.

Obama caught the Times Square Bomber in 52 hours; you bastards.

Obama caught the Boston Marathon Bombers in less that 10 days; you bastards.

Obama caught Bin Laden in 2 years; something Bush could not do in 8; you bastards.

Obama caught the Benghazi attackers in 2 years; you bastards.

Obama got rid of Gaddaffi without one loss of American life; you bastards; it took Bush $3 Trillion to get rid of Saddam; and 4000 American lives.

Obama got rid of Sarin, GB, VX in Syria without firing a shot; you bastards.

Obama has 50 plus months of private sector job growth; you bastards.

The damned stock market is within 1000 points of tripling under Obama since the March 8, 2009 low; that means $3000 is now worth $9000; $30,000 is now worth $90,000; $90,000 is worth $270,000; $270,000 is now worth $810,000; $30 billion is now worth $90 billion; you bastards.

Corporate profits are at record highs under Obama; you bastards.

Obama has 50 plus months without a double dip recession; you bastards.

Obama has given us 9 million new jobs; you bastards.

You know I could read that all day long.

You know this President is by no means perfect. But by any rational measure he is doing an incredible job while withstanding some of the worst partisan attacks in American history.

What he inherited from the Bush administration would have traumatized a weaker man but President Obama rolled up his sleeves and started digging through the rubble on his first day in office.

And what he has accomplished since is nothign shy of miraculous.

Personally I don't think the Right Wing hates him becasue they see him as a failure, instead they fear him because they realize how well he has succeeded.



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