Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Fox News has Sarah Palin weigh in on how we are handling Ebola cases in America. For reasons that completely escape me. Update!

9:41 PM By No comments

Courtesy of Politico:

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin agreed Monday that there should be a quarantine for medical workers coming from West Africa as she took President Barack Obama and his administration to task over its “incompetency” in handling the Ebola crisis.

“I do think that there needs to be that quarantine but, see, this is par for the course that Obama’s incompetency, his administration’s incompetency, is really shining bright in this one,” the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee said on Fox News’ “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren.”

Palin added that Washington is “trying to call the shots for these governors. There is a void of leadership here and the governors need to step up and step in.”

“We’re going to demand of our leadership in Washington and on the state level to get politics out of this and allow the medical community to tell us factually, what needs to be done,” Palin said.

Palin said she would talk to other governors about enacting a quarantine, if she were still serving in that role in Alaska.

“And I betcha we would come to the conclusion that you can’t trust the Obama administration,” she said, adding that liberals are using “Saul Alinsky tactics” to capitalize on crisis.

Who in the HELL would ever ask this woman about contagious diseases or how the government should respond to an outbreak in this country?

She is not only completely fact free in this completely unnecessary interview, she is also histrionic and attempts to drum up panic from Fox viewers in order to undermine the President.

Fox News has Sarah Palin weigh in on how we are handling Ebola cases in America. For reasons that completely escape me. Update!

A President, who by the way, has this completely under control.

Look I live in a state where Sarah Palin had to deal with crisis. Her never wavering approach was to first pretend that there was no problem, slowly respond after being pressured by constituents and the media, and finally have Franklin Graham fly up here and go with her to deliver cookies.

If we had an Ebola outbreak in Alaska while Palin was in charge, we would all be dead right now.

Update: Perhaps somebody should show Princess Panic Attack this:

As the number of ebola cases in the U.S. dwindled to one Tuesday, a new CNN/ORC poll found the American public surprisingly confident in the federal government’s response to the virus in the U.S.

54% of those surveyed said the government had done a good job in handling the virus, while 71% were confident the government could prevent a widespread outbreak — somewhat contradicting the punditry that decried the public’s despair in the face of institutional failures.

Yeah, the American people know that the President has got this.

But hey, nice try Fox news.



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