Monday, November 3, 2014

Maryland man, who previously served time for manslaughter, arrested for threatening to decapitate the President. Wait, so the Secret Service really can do their jobs?

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Maryland man, who previously served time for manslaughter, arrested for threatening to decapitate the President. Wait, so the Secret Service really can do their jobs?
Courtesy of Raw Story:

A42-year-old Maryland man accused of threatening to kill President Barack Obama and first lady Michele Obama in an explicit email strewn with racist remarks was in custody on Sunday, the United States Secret Service said.

Christopher Perkins O’Brien, of Annapolis, was arrested on Thursday and charged with making a violent threat against the president and threatening bodily harm against the presidential family in an email sent to the White House website on Oct. 16, according to court documents.

O’Brien was also charged with using interstate communications to make the threats, the documents said.

In the email, Obama is called “stupid” and a racial slur for his handling of ISIS, beheadings in the United States and of the Ebola outbreak before he is threatened with physical violence.

“I … hope to reach out to slash Michele’s throat… You?? I will make a point to behead you, then throw your head into the nearest body of water, as I drive off into Maryland,” O’Brien is accused of writing, according to charging documents first reported by The Baltimore Sun.

O’Brien was convicted in 2007 of manslaughter in the strangulation death of a 32-year-old female friend, the paper has reported. He served part of a 10-year sentence for the crime, which was later reduced to involuntary manslaughter.

Secret Service arrested O’Brien on suspicion of the recent death threats after tracing the email to his Annapolis home, the agency said.

Yeah okay I think when a person living in Maryland, who once served time for killing somebody, claims that he is going to cut the President's head off and assassinate the First Lady, THAT seems to me a credible threat.

I was also beginning to wonder if the Secret Service even knew how to do their jobs anymore.

It dawned on that perhaps we ought to fire the whole lot of them and try to hire that magnificent Canadian Sergeant at Arms who stopped that gunman at Parliament last week.

By the way I for one am getting damn sick and tired of hearing about all of these threats against the President. Don't they realize that if they were ever successful that he would rise up like Obi Wan Kenobi and be more powerful than ever?

If they think Ronald Reagan was deified, this would make the Reagan adulation look comparable to receiving the employee of the month designation at Burger King.

There would be Obama Day, Obama Lane, the Obama Towers, stuffed Obamas, Obama pins, Obama PJs, and a flood of Obama love that would sweep the nation.

The man is MUCH more beloved than these trigger happy lunatics realize, and rather than end his agenda, they would send it into hyper drive.

But even still we need the President alive and in one piece, and continuing to prove to Democrats that even if it seems that EVERYBODY is out to get you that you can still do your damn job, and make them eat shit every time you out maneuver them.

THAT is this President's legacy.



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