Sunday, December 1, 2013

Democrat Gubernatorial Candidate Says Obama's Birth Certificate Is Suspect

8:09 PM By No comments

Democrat Gubernatorial Candidate Says Obama's Birth Certificate Is Suspect
- image credit: screengrab via WKAR-TV -
Michigan Gubernatorial Candidate Says
Barack Obama's Birth Certificate Is Suspect

Democrat candidate running for governor of Michigan, Mark McFarlin, tells Michigan Live he didn't vote for Obama because he believes Obama's birth certificate is suspect. Asked if Obama was born in Hawaii, McFarlin said, "No."

Excerpt via Michigan Live:

As is often the case, once they turn the TV cameras off, Off the Record guests suddenly make news.
The questioning started out rather innocently.
“Have you ever voted for a Republican?” the Democrat was asked.
“Yes, Mitt Romney,” he revealed while adding he had two chances to vote for Barack Obama and did not.
Now he had every correspondent’s attention as he launches into his assertion that Mr. Obama is not a citizen of the United States.
Donald Trump, step-aside.
Asked if he believed Mr. O. was born in Hawaii, he said, “No.”
Asked if he believed Mr. O. was born in the United States, he said. “No.”
As a private investigator, Mr. McFarlin argues the document the White House issued to
end this never-ending flap is suspect.
How’s so?
He claims the term “African-American” appears on the line for race on the birth certificate and Mr. McFarlin says at the time Mr. Obama was born the term was not in use. He argues the term should have been “Negro.”
But under further questioning, asked to confirm his notion that the President was not an American citizen, he seemed to walk it back.
“Based on the evidence that is out there that leads me to that direction.” [...] Continued @ MLive.

The first comment sums it up: I guess there is such a thing as an intelligent Democrat after all.

Mark McFarlin's Campaign Site:



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