Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Pope Francis loves the Atheists. Well the "good" ones anyhow.

5:11 PM By No comments

Pope Francis loves the Atheists. Well the "good" ones anyhow.
Courtesy of MSN News:

Atheists should be seen as good people if they do good, Pope Francis said Wednesday in his latest urging that people of all religions — or no religion — work together.

The leader of the world's 1.2 billion Roman Catholics made his comments in the homily of his morning Mass in his residence, a daily event where he speaks without prepared comments.

He told the story of a Catholic who asked a priest if even atheists had been redeemed by Jesus.

"Even them, everyone," the pope answered, according to Vatican Radio. "We all have the duty to do good," he said.

"Just do good, and we'll find a meeting point," the pope said in a hypothetical conversation in which someone told a priest: "But I don't believe. I'm an atheist."

Now we're talking!

This is all that the non-religious want. Just stop treating us like a cancer on human kind.

Oh and stop indoctrinating our children.

The idea that the only way people can be good is by accepting God into their life is an antiquated lie that should have died out along with stoning adulterers and only eating fish on Fridays.



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