Tuesday, December 24, 2013

At least two other cable channels are ready to host Duck Dynasty if AandE drops them. Far less money, and FAR less viewers, but by gum they'll be back on the TV!

4:21 PM By No comments

At least two other cable channels are ready to host Duck Dynasty if AandE drops them. Far less money, and FAR less viewers, but by gum they'll be back on the TV!
Courtesy of TMZ:

"Duck Dynasty" will NOT go homeless if A&E decides to pull the plug ... TMZ has learned, at least two other networks are salivating at the chance to pick up the popular reality show.

The owner of the popular Christian-affiliated Hunt Channel -- a guy named Merrill Sport -- tells TMZ, he'd pick up DD in a heart beat ... and would beam the show straight to its most loyal viewers: sportsmen and Christians.

He says, "We believe in the 2nd amendment and freedom of speech ... A&E needs to put on their big boy pants, and if they don't like the programming, they need to either let [DD] go or shut up and pay them."

Sports adds, "A&E is too scripted. [Hunt Channel] would let the personalities flow."

Rusty Faulk, CEO of the outdoorsy Pursuit Channel agrees, telling us Pursuit is 100% interested in grabbing DD if A&E takes a pass. Rusty adds, "We don't censor our personalities."

Has ANYBODY even heard of these cable channels?

They must be included in that "Nobody fucking watches these shows" cable package.

And in light of this recent scandal what a BRILLIANT idea to offer to structure a show around this bunch, that is less scripted to "let the personalities flow." Personally I think that if A&E had not carefully edited out all the racism and homophobia Duck Dynasty probably would have been off the air after only three episodes.

By the way before these critter killing lunatics get too excited they might want to read over the Dynasty dipshit's contract which apparently precludes them from having any new TV shows for a certain period of time.

By the way in case you missed it God happened to weigh in on this controversy a while back.

Well put, and you can't argue with the word of God, right Phil?



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