Thursday, March 6, 2014

Guess who is going to race the Iron Dog next year?

8:28 PM By No comments

Guess who is going to race the Iron Dog next year?
Oh you are going to love this.

So a couple of weeks ago I heard this rumor that Levi was thinking about taking a run at the Iron Dog. (This was before this last race took place.)

I thought at the time, well THAT would be a real kick in the ass, and it would certainly aggravate the crap out of a certain Wasilla/Scottsdale family that we all know.

However one rumor does not a story make, so I did not bother to post anything about it just in case it was BS.

Well now I know that it is absolutely NOT BS. Levi has been talking to a number of people in Wasilla about the plan and even has some potential sponsors and investors lined up.

Now here is where it gets really entertaining.

Apparently after this last disastrous Iron Dog run (They were the first team to scratch and did so only hours into the race.) Todd has been telling just about anyone who will listen that he is retiring and leaving the race to the younger guys.

THAT was until he got wind of Levi's plans. Apparently once he heard that, he had a change of heart and now is telling people that he has at least one more good race in him.

Yeah, okay.

I have to wonder if it is Todd's idea to stay in the race to defend the family honor against their arch nemesis, or if it he is simply doing what the lady who pays the bills tells him to do.

In my opinion there is no real win for Todd in this.

I doubt he has what it takes to win this race anymore, so if he does manage to come in before Levi, who would be novice, then a three time champion managed to beat a rookie, and you just know somebody is going to want to ask him questions about Levi.

However if Levi beats Todd, and trust me there will be MUCH more scrutiny by the press if he competes, then he gets to talk about what the Palins have done to his family and essentially becomes a media darling. Actually that is a conversation he gets to have regardless of where he places.

Essentially the soon to be 24 year old would be David to the Palin family Goliath.

I like it.

I am pretty sure that the Wasilla kitchen appliances are safe for now, but I am willing to bet that right now in Arizona there is a poor dented refrigerator cowering in fear.



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