Thursday, March 6, 2014

"We no longer have a President." Ted Cruz's whack-a-doodle opening speech at CPAC.

10:41 PM By No comments

Holy crap there is a lot of crazy packed into this 19 minutes. (Cruz starts at the 3:00 mark.)

Here is what Cruz laid out as the secret to future success with winning elections.

How do we win elections? In the contrast between corrupt Washington and the American people, we stand with the American people.

We stand with a straightforward and bold agenda to inspire everyone.

1. Defend the Constitution. All of it. The right to freedom of the press – The right to freedom of religion – not having the IRS ask citizens ‘tell me the content of your prayers’. Second Amendment, 4th and 5th amendment rights for privacy of every American.

2. We need to abolish the IRS. We need to adopt a simple flat tax that is fair so that every American can fill out their taxes on a post card.

3. We need to expand energy in this country and create high paying jobs all over America. President Obama talks about an increased minimum wage. The real minimum wage under Obama’s policies is $0 an hour.

4. We need to expand school choice. Every child deserves an opportunity to have an excellent education regardless of race, religion, creed, or where you come from. American dream.

5. We need to repeal Dodd Frank. Talk about a bill that you don’t need to read any further than the title to know nothing good can come from it.

6. We need to audit the Federal Reserve. Unaccountable power in Washington debasing our currency and driving up the price of fuel and gas is hurting every American.

7. We need to pass a strong balanced budget amendment. We need to stop bankrupting our country.

8. We need to repeal every single word of Obamacare. When millions of Americans stood up last fall and said stop this train wreck, this disaster that is Obamacare that is hurting millions of people, the Democrats said, the mainstream media said (but I repeat myself) just move on, you can’t do anything to stop this.

9. We need to stop the lawlessness. This president of the United States is the first we have ever had that believes he can choose which ones he’ll follow. If you have a president who is picking and choosing which laws to follow and which laws to ignore, you no longer have a president.

10. We need to end the corruption. We need to eliminate corporate welfare and crony capitalism. If you come to Washington and serve in Congress, there should be a lifetime ban on lobbying. And we need to pass a strong Constitutional amendment that puts into law term limits.

Much of that reads like it is taken right out of the crazed Right Wing e-mails that arrive in our grandmother's inbox.

Some of it actually makes sense but it is lost among suggestions such as repealing Obamacare, abolishing the IRS, and suggesting that the President is no longer the President.

The only way that will help to win elections in the future is if ballot boxes are only placed in mental hospitals and Tea Party gatherings. If indeed there is a difference.

Well so far this was the craziest speech I have heard at CPAC, but I understand that Palin is supposed to speak at some point so Cruz may lose his standing as head lunatic once that happens.



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