Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Sarah Palin endorsed Iowa Senate candidate blames her numerous missed votes in the state senate on her National Guard duties. Yeah, not so much.

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Sarah Palin endorsed Iowa Senate candidate blames her numerous missed votes in the state senate on her National Guard duties. Yeah, not so much.
Courtesy of TPM:

Iowa state Sen. Joni Ernst (R) has said she's missed votes because of National Guard duty, but a review by The Cedar Rapids Gazette of Iowa suggests that Ernst's National Guard duties actually haven't kept her from attending that many votes in the Iowa Senate.

Ernst, according to the Gazette, has repeatedly cited National Guard duty to defend herself against criticism that she's been missing too many votes in the state Senate. But a report by the Gazette on Monday said there's actually "very little overlap between Iowa Senate votes and her National Guard service."

"I don't know what the actual count is," Ernst said in an interview with WHO-TV. "I know I have missed five days for other campaign reasons, but what they've included in those votes is time I've been serving on orders with Iowa Army National Guard."

The Gazette, through a Freedom of Information and Iowa open open records request of the Iowa Senate Journal, found that 12 of the 117 votes Ernst missed were on days when she was on active duty.

So only 12 of the 117 votes she missed were due to her duties with the National Guard?

Then what, pray tell, were the other missed days due to?

When Ernst was pressed on whether she had missed some votes because of campaigning, Ernst said she had.

"Yes they were," Ernst said of the missed votes because of her Senate campaign. "They were for other scheduled activities, and not knowing what the debate calendar is before they come up, it is hard to schedule if you are out of town."

"So yes, a few of those votes were due to other activities," Ernst added.

You know missing votes is one thing, but using your military service to cover for them is pretty damn low.

Of course she realized that the demographic she was attempting to attract would accept her bullshit about military responsibilities, at face value.

Sadly for her the "lamestream" media in her area is less easily manipulated.

Yep, another loser for Sarah Palin's stable of "also rans. "



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