Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Sarah Palin takes to Facebook to kiss up to the Jewish people. However her motives are far from pure.

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Sarah Palin takes to Facebook to kiss up to the Jewish people. However her motives are far from pure.
Courtesy of yesterday's post on Queen Ester's Facebook page:

Tonight Jewish families all over the world celebrate Passover, the commemoration of their freedom from bondage and their Exodus to the Promised Land. We join with them in spirit in celebrating mankind’s universal aspiration for freedom, and our prayers are especially with our Jewish friends in Israel. May they continue to flourish as a democracy in a region of the world so troubled by despotic regimes. Chag kasher V'Sameach. Happy Passover. And next year in Jerusalem!

- Sarah Palin

Of course as we have discussed here on IM numerous times Palin's support for the Jewish people and Israel has NOTHING to do with any altruistic feelings, and EVERYTHING to do with the Fundamentalist's belief that it plays a very important part in the second coming of Jesus Christ.

She cares nothing for the Jewish people, and instead sees them only as a means to an end. The End Times that is.

Interestingly enough a new show on HBO, Vice produced by Bill Maher, addressed this very situation recently.

Here is a debrief.

Thomas Morton joined a group of born again Christians as they toured the Holy Land and found out the real reason why they support Israel.

It is certainly not shocking to learn that Sarah Palin is a religious nut who supports the oppression of an entire race of people, simply to usher in a supernatural occurrence that she believes allows her access to eternal life. And it offers yet another opportunity to point out that Sarah Palin does NOTHING that does not, in some way, benefit Sarah Palin.

Speaking of the End Times now some Fundamentalists are saying that the recent red moon sightings are the newest sign.

And speaking of Passover, it is a celebration of an event that never actually took place.



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