Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Glenn Beck fears for Carol Costello's humanity, after she mocks Bristol Palin's lies to police. Seriously?

2:23 AM By No comments

Courtesy of Mediaite:

Arguably the biggest media story in the last few days has been CNN anchor Carol Costello‘s inappropriately lighthearted tease of audio about that now-infamous fight involving the Palins. Glenn Beck today expressed his disgust with how Costello was “reveling in the abuse” of Bristol Palin.

Beck found it striking that CNN and Costello “took such pride” in scolding the NFL over domestic abuse and yet she presented this case of a woman being assaulted an in unserious manner.

Beck called it “really despicable” and said rather than pressuring Costello to resign, he just wants to appeal to her humanity. Beck said that Costello’s clearly “become so politicized” when it comes to the Palins, “she’s lost the humanity of this family.”

At one point Beck says that she was "dragged by the feet across the law, with her dress coming off of her." No, no she wasn't ever dragged by the homeowner.

She was carried away, in a full nelson, by her father's good friend Mark McKenna, who admits to that fact on the audio. (Go to "Police interview the Palin family and Mark McKenna" and fast forward to 18:30 on the audio.)

Now according to McKenna Bristol was knocked down by "some girls" who were coming to Korey Kingenmeyer's aid. But that was totally appropriate in response to Bristol's drunken, assaultive behavior.

So if Glenn Beck wants to waste his time worrying about anybody's "humanity" then he needs to direct his concerns to this white trash family, and their inherent need to constantly play the victim and attempt to destroy anybody who dares to defy them in any way.



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