Sunday, November 2, 2014

Bill Maher slams the Democrats for trying to make distance form their President.

11:33 PM By No comments

"The one I feel sorry for is Obama. Sixty three straight months of economic expansion, a depression averted, a deficit reduced by two thirds, a health care law that's workign and lowering costs, two women on the Supreme Court, Bin Laden's dead, Stock Market at record heights, an unemployment rate that dropped from 10.2 to 5.9. If you are a Fox News viewer, trying to do the math, that's less. Gas prices are less, is it really that hard of a record to get behind?"

You know I have been asking that question over and over again myself.

Once again the Democrats have allowed the conservatives to define reality in the political sphere is despite all facts to the contrary, this President has been deemed political poison.

So if indeed Democrats lose big this election cycle, they do not get to blame the President for what he did. They need to blame themselves for their cowardice in not defending and applauding what he did.



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