Sunday, November 2, 2014

Did Sarah Palin send a bribe to the Mat-Su Regional Medical Center right after she quit as Governor? Could be.

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Did Sarah Palin send a bribe to the Mat-Su Regional Medical Center right after she quit as Governor? Could be.
The Alaska Dispatch published an article yesterday ostensibly about Bill Walker and how Palin's recent endorsement has hurt his candidacy in the minds of many Alaskans. (I hate to say I told you so, but....)

However buried within the article was this previously unknown little tidbit:

Palin’s endorsement, announced Oct. 22, prompted the Alaska Federation of Republican Women, representing 600 women across the state, to publicize a letter comparing Walker to Palin.

The organization had supported Palin during her bid for governor in 2006, even raising about $100,000 for her campaign, said president Rhonda Boyles. But Palin turned her back on the Republican Party.

“She wasn’t very principled in how she dealt with the Republican Party,” Boyles said. “She went on that ticket but she was never part of the Republican establishment and in fact worked against that.”

When Palin left office, she had about $100,000 in her bank account that she could have given to a political entity such as the Republican women’s group. Instead, she gave it to the Mat-Su hospital where she gave birth to Trigg, Boyles said.

Say what?

And here I thought I knew just about everything about Sarah Palin, Mat-Su, and the "birth" of Trig.

So just for a moment let's try and think of a logical reason for Sarah Palin, who is notoriously stingy with money, to give $100,000 to a hospital instead of shoring up her political clout in a state, and with a political party, that was now quite upset with her.

And what is more HOW does she justify giving political donations to a non-political entity like a hospital anyhow?

Yeah, I think something smells a little fishy here.



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